MARTECH & ADTECH 2023 - Version 1.0
The ecosystem map of Brazilian Martech & Adtech
MINAS GERAIS 2022 - Version 1.0
Mapeamento do ecossistema de startups de Minas Gerais
FINCOMMERCE - MEXICO 2022 Version 1.0
The map of Mexico's Fintech + E-commerce ecosystem
BRAZIL INVESTMENT 2021 - Version 1.0
The most complete map to the ecosystem of Brazilian investors
RIO GRANDE DO SUL 2021 - Version 1.0
The ecosystem map of startups and technology in Rio Grande do Sul
ADTECH 2019 - Version 1.2
Download the latest version of the Brazilian Adtech ecosystem map
Share knowledge, grow and evolve.
Here, at Pipeline Capital, we have a dedicated team researching new companies daily, inside the ecosystem of e-commerce, media, technology, marketing and investments. Counting on a rich database, we decided to publish and share the companies that make up this universe. We keep the map open to everyone to participate in this construction.
As important as the result, increasingly expressive, of brazilian ecommerce is, no doubt, the development of the ecosystem of suppliers that make it up. And I believe that only through deep, broad and agnostic mapping, that our market will be able to continue to identify ideal solutions and partnerships for a continuous and sustainable development.
Fabrizzio Topper
Driven co-CEO